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China Relay

With the China Relay feature, OpenTok clients route all internet traffic (except for media streams) to Vonage Video API infrastructure deployed to data centers in China, which ensures optimal call quality for users in China.

Non-media traffic includes communication to the Video API servers and logging infrastructure.

Configuring China Relay

The China Relay feature is available as an add-on feature. Once the add-on is purchased, Vonage Video API infrastructure will ensure that users in China will have optimal call quality.

No OpenTok client SDK changes are needed. Only purchasing the add-on is required to enable the China Relay feature.

Interoperability with IP Proxy

The IP Proxy feature allows OpenTok clients to route all internet traffic (except for media streams) via your reverse proxy server. Another benefit for IP Proxy is IP obfuscation, which masks client IP addresses. Note: China Relay does not provide IP obfuscation by itself. Using it in tandem with IP Proxy will, however.

China Relay and IP Proxy have interoperability, but some special consideration is needed.

Deploying your proxy service

Where your proxy service is deployed impacts the call quality of your users. Ideally, your proxy service should be deployed to the region where your users are located.

If you have users in China, your proxy service must be deployed to data centers in China. If your service is deployed outside of China, then the benefits of China Relay will be negated, and your users in China may experience suboptimal call quality.

Similarly, if you have users in the European Union (EU), your proxy service must be deployed to data centers in the EU. Vonage Video API infrastructure has intelligence to only route China traffic through China Relay and EU traffic through EU data centers. (See the EU Proxy developer guide.)

Configuring IP Proxy

The IP Proxy feature is an add-on feature and is supported by all of the OpenTok client SDKs. For details on how to configure the OpenTok SDK clients to enable IP Proxy, see the IP Proxy developer guide.


This guide details best practices developers should follow to ensure optimal call quality regardless of where in the world participants are calling from. Due diligence and thorough testing is still required, though.