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Add Messaging, Voice, and Authentication to your apps with Vonage Communications APIs

Visit the Vonage API Developer Portal

Take chatting with coworkers to the next level

The Vonage Video API makes it easy to create a live video meeting by generating a unique browser link in any Slack channel. After you’ve added this app to Slack, get started by configuring with your API key and secret or sign up for a free trial to acquire your credentials.

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One command configures and generates meetings

The /tokbox command enables you to configure the app and allows your workspace users to generate links for OpenTok-hosted video meetings. The /tokbox commands include:

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  • /tokbox config <apikey> <secret>

    Set the OpenTok Project API key and secret. If the workspace already has the app configured, it will be overwritten with new credentials.

  • /tokbox config

    Display the current Project API key. The response is visible only for the user who types the command.

  • /tokbox

    Create a new meeting. The meeting link will be posted in the channel where the user types the command.

  • /tokbox remove

    Remove the current Vonage Video API Project API Key and secret.

Customize your video meetings to your business

The default video meeting web experience is a simple starting point. You can easily implement your own branded and full-featured video conferencing application using the OpenTok SDKs.

View the developer docs