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Using the Vonage Media Processor library

Use the Vonage Media Processor library to apply custom transformations to published video.

The Vonage Media Processor library, available at npm, facilitates the use of the Insertable Streams API to perform transform operations on video and audio tracks.

These OpenTok client SDKs include methods for using the Vonage Media Processor library to perform transformations on published streams:

The iOS, Android, Windows, and macOS SDKs also include methods for applying your own custom audio and video transformations to published video.

Important: Media transformations, such as background blur and background replacement, are resource-intensive and require devices with high processing power. For optimal performance, it's recommended to perform media transformations on published streams. It is recommended to only use these transformations on supported devices. See the following sections:


The custom media transformer API is supported in the following Vonage Video API client SDKs:

The Vonage Media Library transformer (background blur and background replacement) API is supported in the following Vonage Video API client SDKs: